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Grub Control Services, Lake Wales, FL

We can help get your lawn healthy again with grub control services.

Grub Control Services in Lake Wales, FloridaHaving a beautiful and green lawn is wonderful. It does take a lot of work, but when you have a luscious, green lawn, it is worth all the time and effort you put in to care for your lawn. All the mowing, trimming, watering, and fertilizing are worth it when your lawn looks good. But what happens when your lawn looks bad no matter how much time you have put into it? What if you water, fertilize, and baby your lawn, but it still has brown spots that just won’t go away? It can be so frustrating and make you want to throw in the towel. One thing you maybe have not considered is that your lawn could be infested by some kind of pests that are killing it. Grubs are very common and can really do a number on your lawn. If you suspect you might have a grub problem, we can help you. At The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc., we offer grub control services that will take care of the problem and get your lawn healthy again.

Grubs live in the soil beneath your grass and feed off of the roots of the grass. This kills the grass and makes the brown spots in your lawn. No matter how much you water, the spots will not turn green because the roots are dead. If you pull at the grass that looks dead and get big clumps of dead grass in your hands, you probably have grubs. Grubs will not go away unless you kill them, which is where we can help you. We offer excellent grub control services that will get rid of the grubs for good. Our treatments are safe for people as well as animals and are very effective. First, we will determine if you in fact have grubs, and then we will eliminate them for you.

If you live in the Lake Wales, Florida area and are interested in grub control services, call us today at The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc. We can get rid of the grubs for you quickly and help get your lawn healthy and green again.

At The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc., we offer grub control services in Lakeland, including Southwest Lakeland and Lakeland Highlands, as well as Auburndale, Bartow, Plant City, Winter Haven, Davenport, Lake Wales, Brandon, Polk City, Highland City, Crystal Lake, Eaton Park, Dixieland, and Winston, Florida.