Eliminate the pests without any additional safety concerns with our insect removal services.
One surefire way to ruin your day is discovering an infestation of insects on your property, whether it’s ticks and mosquitos pestering you whenever you go outside, grubs or webworms destroying your grass, or ants and spiders invading your home. When you notice any of these insects in your home or yard in Lake Wales, Florida, you can count on us at The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc. for our insect removal services.
The key to our insect removal services is doing all we can to eliminate any insect problem you may have inside or outside your home, so you can live comfortably once more. We can treat both your home and yard for any insect species that have invaded your property. You can trust that we are fully professional and experienced, and we have all the equipment, chemicals, and expertise to effectively treat any insect issue you may have. You can also trust us to care for your yard as if it were our own. We can use treatments that are perfectly safe for pets and children.
We can effectively remove any insect species from your property with our insect removal services. This includes spiders, carpenter ants, fire ants, grubs, webworms, fleas, ticks, crickets, and more. When you schedule our services, we don’t stop at eliminating just the insects we can see at first glance. We will find the nest of insects and eliminate the problem at its roots to ensure they will not soon return to your home or property.
Allow us to eliminate your pest problem without any additional safety concerns with our insect removal services. Give us a call to schedule our services today.
At The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc., we offer insect removal services in Lakeland, Lakeland Highlands, Auburndale, Bartow, Plant City, Winter Haven, Davenport, Lake Wales, Brandon, Polk City, Highland City, Crystal Lake, Eaton Park, and Winston, Florida.