Keep your Plant City home safe from invasive pests with our WDO inspections.
If you are looking to sell or buy property near Plant City, Florida, it is always a good idea to have WDO inspections completed before proceeding. WDO inspections are also known as wood-destroying-organism inspections. The most well-known wood-destroying organism is probably the termite. Termites live in large colonies and create distinctive mud tubes while they eat and live. They are most common in warm and humid climates like what we have here in Florida. Other wood-destroying organisms include powder post beetles, old house borers and even wood-decaying fungi. All of these organisms can cause real damage to your property if allowed to live on the premises.
WDO inspections give you peace of mind about your property and should be completed before any sale and periodically while you own your home or business. During your WDO inspections, it is a good idea to be present. This gives you a chance to ask any questions and learn more about what signs you should watch for between your WDO inspections. You should also keep careful documentation of any WDO inspections that are completed at your property and any treatments that result from these inspections.
Some of these wood-destroying organisms do not create visible damage in an area you would regularly look, so regular WDO inspections are important, whether you live in a multi-unit structure, a home with a slab foundation or a home with a crawlspace. Every home has some wood components and is susceptible to wood-destroying insects. Give us a call here at The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc. to schedule your WDO inspections today.
At The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc., we offer WDO inspections in Lakeland, including Southwest Lakeland and Lakeland Highlands, as well as Auburndale, Bartow, Plant City, Winter Haven, Davenport, Lake Wales, Brandon, Polk City, Highland City, Crystal Lake, Eaton Park, Dixieland, and Winston, Florida.