Are you experiencing problems with your grass, and you can’t seem to find a good solution? Are you constantly battling brown spots, and no matter how much you put down grass seed, it simply will not grow? When it comes to lawn fertilization, it can be difficult determining what works best and when you should take action to achieve the best results. There are a few rules of thumb you can follow, however, to give you a greener, healthier lawn:
- Time of Year – The time of year that you fertilize your lawn can actually make a big difference in the results. The warmer Florida climate means fertilizing in late spring or early summer will help your grass grow beautifully during the warm summer months.
- Second Application – Completing a second application when you are fertilizing your lawn will also help you achieve great results. Lawn fertilization in late summer can give you healthier grass as the weather cools off, so you don’t see your grass die with the waning summer season.
- Winter Break – Because grass is dormant during the winter, it’s important to avoid lawn fertilization after the first of September as the fall season approaches. Not only will this help you enjoy a cost savings, but you also won’t waste your fertilization efforts on grass that is not ready to accept the nutrients you are providing.
Of course, if lawn fertilization is something you need to do but you aren’t sure where to begin, you can always contact us at The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc. Our lawn fertilization services are designed to give you a great outdoor space, and you may be interested in some of our other lawn spraying services, too. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to working with you!