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Core Aeration, Winter Haven, FL

One of the greatest benefits of core aeration in Winter Haven, FL is the improved ability for water to drip into the soil.

Core AerationFew things can show off your beautiful property like a well-maintained lawn. Additionally, few things can make your property look rundown like a dead and dying one! Here at The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc., we strive to help our customers maintain the health and integrity of their lawns, so their properties can truly shine. In addition to regular mowing, trimming, fertilizing and watering, we recommend one treatment that will make all those other things more effective: core aeration.

Core aeration is a lawn treatment that most everyone is familiar with, although not everyone fully understands how important it is for the health of their lawns. Unlike spike aeration, which simply involves poking holes in your lawn, our core aeration machine has hollow spines that will not only make very small holes throughout your lawn, but also pull out a small dirt clod, which allows extra oxygen, water, and nutrients to go directly to the roots of your lawn. These small holes aren’t large enough to cause any harm to people or animals walking on your lawn, but will be very beneficial to the roots of your grass.

One of the greatest benefits of core aeration is the improved ability for water to drip into the soil. Compacted soil is hard for water to work through, and when the roots of your grass are buried underneath a layer of compacted soil, they won’t develop properly or be able to latch onto fertilizers you might be using to help your lawn thrive.

If you want to reinvigorate your lawn and help it be stronger and healthier, call us for more information about how core aeration can improve your Winter Haven, FL property today!

At The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc., we offer core aeration services in Lakeland, Lakeland Highlands, Auburndale, Bartow, Plant City, Winter Haven, Davenport, Lake Wales, Brandon, Polk City, Highland City, Crystal Lake, Eaton Park, and Winston, Florida.