Top 3 Tips for Grub Control

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Grubs are the larva of Japanese Beetles.  A larva is the juvenile form of an insect before it undergoes the transformation into adulthood. These annoying little critters are hungry and can wreak havoc on your grass, shrubs or other plants. If you have had grubs before and want to keep them away, or you fear you might have grubs now and need to know more information, check out these three tips on grub control.

Top 3 Tips for Grub Control

  1. Know the signs. One sign is if your lawn feels spongy when you step on it or if your lawn is dead and is easily removed by gently pulling up on the grass. Another sign is if you see visitors to your yard (including raccoons, skunks and birds) who are seeking out a yummy dinner of grubs.  You definitely have grubs if you remove grass or plants that you think may be affected and see six or more grubs in one square foot of ground.
  2. Check your yard often. Yes, it is important to know the signs, but without frequent inspection, grubs could take over your yard and it would be too late for grub control.
  3. Hire a professional for your grub control. A professional will know when and where grubs are most common in your local area. Additionally, they will have all of the necessary products and know-how for grub control in your yard.