Golf courses, public parks, and sports fields have all invested in core aeration for years to keep their grass looking great. You might have seen little pellets of dirt scattered across the grass of one of these venues and never given aeration a second thought, but you should. Core aeration is the secret to healthy, dense, green grass. Here are a few benefits core aeration can give your lawn:
- More hydrated grass as the roots provides easier access to water.
- Encourages stronger roots, as well as new root growth, making your lawn more full.
- Allows grass to breathe.
- Boosts resistance to heat and drought.
- Permits fertilizer to reach roots faster, meaning grass can respond quickly to the nourishment.
- Reduces soil compaction and thatch buildup, promoting healthy growth.
There is no reason your lawn shouldn’t look just as great as a golf course. Take a tip from the pros and choose to aerate. It’s easy to schedule, and you’ll even get a free sprinkler analysis with your first treatment. Call us at The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc. today to schedule a core aeration treatment.