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Sod Webworm Control Services, Auburndale, FL

If you’re struggling to get your grass back to its previous and healthy state, call us to discuss sod webworm control services in Auburndale.

Webworm Control Services, Auburndale, FLSod webworms are part of the moth family and can cause a lot of frustration among property owners in Auburndale, Florida. Sod webworms live in the grass and feed on deciduous trees, so they can also cause damage to the trees on your property. You might spot these pests in their early stages, when they look like caterpillars in varying shades of pale yellow to dark gray. They are especially noticeable because they have long and short bristles on their bodies, as well as yellow spots. These insects might pop up in the lawn, then disappear again quickly, making it hard to know for sure when you have an infestation in your yard.

Many property owners figure out that they have sod webworms within their lawns when the grass fails to thrive, even after extensive treatment with fertilization, extra watering, and other methods. Sod webworms tend to decrease during the winter months but reappear with a vengeance when spring and summer come around. Female sod webworms can produce and deposit eggs early in their lives, which means they can produce multiple generations of new sod webworms in a single year.

If you’re struggling to get your grass back to its previous and healthy state, call us at The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc. to discuss sod webworm control services. We’ve been providing sod webworm control services for property owners in Auburndale for nearly 20 years. Our experienced lawn care and pest control experts will set up a sod webworm control plan using the best products to eliminate these pests completely and save your grass.

At The Other Side Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc., we offer sod webworm control services in Lakeland, Lakeland Highlands, Auburndale, Bartow, Plant City, Winter Haven, Davenport, Lake Wales, Brandon, Polk City, Highland City, Crystal Lake, Eaton Park, and Winston, Florida.